Organic Search Engine Optimization Tips (GET 75% More Traffic for Free)

Are you a business owner or blog writer and don't have enough traffic to your website or E-commerce store? If yes, You are at the right place. I will give you some useful tips to get organic search engine optimization traffic.

1. Write more relevant content 

This is probably the most important tip to get more traffic to your website. The more relevant content you have to your website the more helpful for Google to understand what actually your website is about and it will also build your domain authority. For example, if your website or domain is about digital marketing try to write as much content as possible related to digital marketing.

2. Keywords

It is also an important factor in boosting your website traffic. I have already written a blog post about keyword research in which I suggested a tool named to find the best keyword tool and you can also do competitive analysis at the same time using kwfinder. It's free (You can use it just twice in free version). I encourage you to use You should think about how your visitor searches to find the topic on the search engines. 
Another tool which is FREE is by Neil Patel Ubersuggest it's also easy to use and you can find the keywords using this tools

The next question might be what are the best keywords. The best keywords are the one that is relevant to your business. Try to think of each keyword why the user will search for these keywords. Are they search for some information or they are trying to buy something.

3. Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are the most important way to get organic search engine traffic. We should consider 3 things for getting backlinks.

  1. Backlinks should be from relevant sites
  2. Backlinks should be of good quality which means our backlinks should be from high domain authority sites.
  3. Try to use keywords in the anchor text

You can get backlinks from many ways from web directories, from social media bookmarking, from forum commenting etc. I will also write a detailed post in which I will explore the 10 ways to get quality backlinks.

4.On Page optimization

This is also an important factor in getting organic search engine traffic. Whenever I start working on any website I usually start with on page optimization. On page search engine optimization include meta tags, Speed optimization, image alt text, permalinks or URL optimization, Indexing website to Google and Bing webmaster tools. On page SEO helps search engines what our website or domain is all about.

5. Responsive Website

The responsive website also helps in getting more organic search engine traffic. Google ranks responsive websites higher than the low responsive website. A responsive website means your website should be easy to use on mobile or your website is mobile friendly. As we know mobile users have a major share in the overall web traffic. If your website is not mobile responsive it simply means you are losing traffic to your website.
Now the question is how to check whether your website is mobile responsive or not. You can check it through It's a free tool to check your website responsiveness.

6. Internal and external links

You should also use some internal and external links in your website. Internal links mean to give some links in your content of the other relevant post in your website. External links mean to give links to other relevant websites or web pages. These links also help search engines to understand what our post is about.

7. Optimize Low performing Posts

If you have already published some blog post and it doesn't have enough traffic you should try to edit that blog post or try to optimize your blog post by using the above methods. Try to add more value to your post try to find what other people have written about that topic who are on the first page of search engine. If this doesn't work you can write another blog post add more value and publish that post again. It will index your that post again in the search engines.

What are the websites ranking factors in SEO? How to rank a Website

Everybody wanna know that how can I rank my website. Maybe you are also one of them. There are many factors to rank a website few of them are in this blog post as well.

1. Content

Content is king in SEO. In almost every post I discussed the content. The number 1 factor to rank a website is your content. Your content should be unique. Before writing and creating content you should think of your targeted audience. How they find the answers to their question. How they feel in this situation? How much time they spend to find their answers? It should also answer all the questions of the visitors. it should have quality. One Ideal blog post should be from 1800 to 2000 words. You should try to naturally use keywords in your content. It should be comprehensive and to the point. You should also try to avoid difficult words, abbreviations, and other confusing words. Content should be in simple words. Content should be engaging and personal. Try to add an interested feature image to engage your post. You should also try to use some relevant keywords in your content because Google can also understand relevant words in your post.

2. Backlinks

Backlinks are also one of the main factors of website ranking. Backlinks are your website's links to other websites. Backlinks should be relevant and of good quality. Your website should have quality backlinks from good authority (Domain authority) website. One quality and relevant backlink have the weight of many low authority domain backlinks. Bad backlinks can decrease your ranking. You should always try to get backlinks from the relevant websites. For example, if you are a furniture business you need backlinks from the same industry. Irrelevant links can also influence your ranking in a negative way.

3.Bounce Rate

You can check your bounce rate from google analytics by identifying for how long people are staying on your website. The third important factor of website ranking is bounce rate. Bounce rate means how many visitors close your website without reading or after reading a few lines of your post. If your bounce rate is high it can destroy your website ranking. Bounce rate increases because of two reasons content and website load time. If your website doesn't have the answer to the visitor's question he will simply go to the other site or your information is not relevant or valuable for the user. For example, this post is trying to answer the question of website ranking factor. The other factor of bounce rate is websites load time which is discussed the next heading.

4. Low Website load time

You can check your website load time from Website load time can decrease your website ranking. If someone opens your website and it's not opening in his browser he will simply close your website link and go to the other website. Low web load time give google indication that this site is not good it doesn't have valuable and relevant content or people are not interested in that content. Your website may have low load time because of 2 reasons. Your website has too many files like images and videos. If your website is slow because it has too many videos try to host video to external plate form like youtube and embed video link to your website. And try to optimize your images by converting them to jpeg format from png format or reduce the size of images. Secondly, if your web hosting is not good or too many visitors are coming to your site and hosting server has failed to respond to these queries then your website will slow down and it will increase bounce rate.

5. Keyword Stuffing

Many times writers just try to use keywords without any reason to rank their website high. Google considers it as a spam and decreases your website ranking. It does not mean that you should not use keywords in the content. According to some SEO experts, keywords should be 1% of the overall content. This is not hard and fast rules it can be more than 1% or less than one percent of the overall content. You should also try to use some synonyms words or relevant (LSI) words in your content.

6. Meta Tags

Meta tags are also important factors of search engine rankings. We should use meta tags to tell search engines what this content is about or what is on this specific page of the websites. We also try to use keywords in meta title and meta description. Every CMS has the option of the meta tags. If you have a custom website you can also add it to HTML code.

  7. Webmaster Tools 

This is also an improtant factor of SEO ranking. If your website is not indexed in Google, Bing and Yandex webmaster tool Search engines will not show your website in their search results. Whenever you create a new website try to index it in google and bing webmaster tools as soon as possible.

To index your website in search engines one can use Yoast SEO wordpress plugin.

How to find the best keywords to rank your website (Fast)

SEO starts with keyword research. If we will not find good keywords it will be difficult for us to come to the first page of Google. We can't find visitors if we did not do any keyword research. I have already explained why SEO is importantHow to rank our website fast through SEO. Now I will try to explain how can you find the best keywords for your website to rank faster.

What is a Keyword?

Keyword or keywords are the words that user searches on Google to find some content. In simple words, we can say that keywords are queries that user types to get their answer. So before starting anything, we should know what problems people are suffering from and what words people are typing to get their answers.
You should also do a competitive analysis of these keywords. If there are good authoritative sites on the first page it will be difficult for us to rank on the first page of Google.

Before going further. you should also understand that there are two types of keywords short tail keywords and long tail keywords.

Short Tail Keywords

Short tail keywords are those keywords which have just one or two words in it. For example Hotels. or London hotels are examples of short tail keywords.

Long Tails Keywords

long tails keywords usually have more than 3 words. For example Five star hotels in London or good hotels in London England.

Short tail VS Longtail Keywords

Short tail keywords usually have more average monthly searches and more competition. Which mean it is difficult for us to rank for short tail keywords as a new website. For example, If we will type Hotels in London. All the searches will be the five-star hotel. On the other hand, 
Long tail keywords have lower traffic and easier to rank. For example, If you will type hotels in Victoria London you will see that this keyword is less competitive and we have more chances to come on the first-page search engines. Now people are searching for longtail targeted keywords.

Types of Keywords

Basically, there are three types of keywords:

Informational Keywords

These are the keywords users are searching to get some information about something. Most popular types of such keywords are:
  • How to
  • Definition
  • Reviews
  • News
  • Top 10 
These are the best keywords for blogs so if you have any blog and delivering some valuable content you should use these keywords. By using these keywords you can promote other products like affiliates. These keywords usually have low CPC cost per click but the high volume of searches.

Navigational Keywords

These are some specific keywords used for some specific product business or website like Nike, IBM, iPhone Etc. If you are a brand in a local area or some national or international brands you can use these keywords.

Transactional Keywords

These are the keywords that are used to convert or visitor usually search these keywords usually to buy something. Example of these keywords is Cleaning Services in France. These keywords are highly transactional and usually has very high CPC cost per click and low volume of searches.
These keywords are good for websites.

How to find Best Keywords

We can find good keywords by following these steps: 

Purpose of the search

Why you wanna do Keyword research. Are you going to write some informational content or some transactional content? 

Seed Keywords

The first step to find keywords is to get some seed keywords. Seed words are the words from where we can start our journey of keyword research. To find seed keywords we should think that what our visitor will type to find our website. He may type hotels, Hotels in London, hotels in Victoria London Now we will type hotel and press the space button google will give us some suggestions related to that keyword. On the basis of these suggestions, we can start our keyword research.

We can also use for seed keyword research. We will simply type one keyword and will give us the suggestion of all the potential keywords.

Keyword planner

The next step is to find more details about the about our seed keywords and find some more relevant keywords. Google Keyword Planner is a free tool by Google which will give you some more ideal keywords. Now go to google keyword planner go to tools and there will be another options keyword planner. Type your keyword and this tool will show you estimated average searches of that keyword but this tool do not give us exact monthly searches. This tool is still helpful in getting more ideal keywords.

The reason to go to google keyword planner was that it's a free tool and give us a full idea about the keywords. Kwfinder is not free and gives us limited results that why now we can move to that tool. But if you can buy this tool or you are an SEO firm you should pay for that tool to get more results.

After getting more keyword, we can now go to and type all of our seed relevant keywords which we got from google keyword planner and get an idea which keyword is good. This is a very helpful tool and it gives us a more detailed view of our keywords.

It gives us a difficulty level which means it is easy to rank our keyword or not. It gives us exact monthly searches. It also gives us a competitive analysis of our keywords and shows what is the page and domain authority of these sites which are on the first page of Google. In this way, we can find the best long tails keywords with the low difficulty level.
Note: We can just search for 2 keywords per day in the free version so we should be very careful in using this tool.

Hopefully now you can easily find the best keywords easily.

How to rank your website fast through SEO Search Engine Optimization?

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This is a way to make your website search engine friendly. Search engines are not real persons and no one sees our content as we publish our content. Search engines usually use algorithms to understand what our content is about. Through SEO we try to help search engines to understand what our content is about and for what keywords Google should show our results to the end user. If Search engine will understand what our content is about google will show our content to more people which will help us ranking higher and getting more traffic.

Top 5 reasons for Search engine optimization of your website you must consider in 2018

Rush of content

The main reason for using SEO is that almost 2000 post are posted on blogs, 72 hours videos are uploaded to youtube and a thousand of posts are also posted on social media just in one minute. To be ahead you should have some knowledge of content marketing and SEO.

Organic Search Engine Optimization Tips (GET 75% More Traffic for Free)

Are you a business owner or blog writer and don't have enough traffic to your website or E-commerce store? If yes, You are at the righ...